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Architecture meets Art 2023

Thank you!

Auctioneer for the evening, Natasha Raskin Sharp

AmeetsA 2023 live auction raised over four thousand pounds for the restoration of the Old Mill in Balmacara, thanks to sixteen stunning pieces of original work by some of the UK’s and Scottish most talented architects-artists and to the expert auctioning skills of the brilliant Natasha Raskin Sharp.

On Thursday 23rd November, the third edition of Architecture Meets Art, the second brainchild of the organisers of #DesignPopUp, took place at the beautiful offices of Collective Architecture in Glasgow. Collective Architecture and Double S Events joined forces this year to bring back to life this charity event initially organised in 2014 and 2015:

“I have always been incredibly passionate about AmeetsA but I had to put it on the shelf for a few years because I didn’t have the right partner for it”, explains Sara Seravalli, Creative Director at Double S Events. “Earlier this year I was having a chat with Jane (Briggs, Business Development Manager of Collective Architecture) who was also one of the original artists involved in AmeetsA 2014, and we decided it was time to bring this charity event back to life together and host it in their beautiful new offices in Bath Street”.

AmeetsA 2023 art donor Marion Parola of Bespoke Atelier and Veronika Desova of Stallan Brand

But still, one of the most essential pieces of the jigsaw was missing: who to raise money for. After a trip up North, while judging for the Herald Property Awards, Sara had a chance to meet Mardi Wood, head of fundraising for the Balmacara Community Trust, who told her all about the building the Trust is trying to save from ruin and how important it would be to restore it for the whole community of their small village. On the journey back home, Sara realised that was precisely what Architecture Meets Art should fundraise for to safeguard Scotland’s architectural heritage. To help communities thrive.

"Hosting the art auction at Collective Architecture’s studio, was one of the social highlights of our year. A perfect mix of celebrating creativity, supporting a local community project, and having lots of fun in the process."

Jane Briggs, Collective Architecture

Architecture meets Art 2023's Sponsors Solus and Tilecraft (from left to right: Scott Wotherspoon and Gary Steele of Tilecraft, Ian Hamilton Commercial Director at Solus)

AmeetsA 2023 was now ready to be launched, and the theme was set: architects and designers were asked to create a piece of original art (any media allowed) inspired by Scotland’s Architecture of the New Millenium. In the end, a group of fifteen incredibly talented and generous architects, photographers, designers, artists, and illustrators came forward. Sixteen pieces were donated: stunning photographs, prints, drawings, paintings, collages, illustrations, and even a piece of jewellery.

The Architecture Meets Art 2023 catalogue is linked below:

"I was delighted to contribute my brooch, raising money and awareness for a very worthy cause in a small rural community. The party night had a relaxed atmosphere with the opportunity to enjoy the thrill of a live auction and the chance to buy affordable art."

Emma Wood, Architect at Collective Architecture

Will Knight's map of Glasgow, donated by SoMa Studio

Donated artwork for auction

On Thursday, 23rd November, the live auction took place at Collective’s HQ. BBC presenter Natasha Raskin Sharp was hired as auctioneer and what a brilliant job she did.

With incredible flair, an exquisite sense of humour, and sophisticated expertise, she took the sales of the art on board and managed to sell every piece for a final total amount of £3.450. An extra £365 was raised through the raffle, which included some very generous prizes donated by the sponsors.

Over eighty industry professionals attended the event, and some stayed on celebrating into the night a very successful evening courtesy of Collective’s warm hospitality.

"Fantastic evening in Glasgow for Architecture meets Art. Very honoured for Solus to be the main sponsor, with a large amount of money raised to help Scotland's architectural heritage. The amazing Natasha Raskin Sharp from BBC's Bargain Hunt ran the auction and emptied everyone's pockets for such a great cause. Also a big thank you to Collective Architecture for hosting the event alongside Double S Events"

Ian Hamilton, Commercial Director at Solus

Art donor Sarah Lawson of MLA

Sara Seravalli, Creative Director at Double S Events

On a last-minute coup de théâtre the following day, a new buyer came forward for Stuart Falconer's drawing. After a short back and forth with the artist and old and new buyers, an extra £225 was raised thanks to a print of the original drawing being added to the event’s catalogue.

"We loved the experience - a first for us - and of course, we have added more than £4,000 to our funds. But it was more than that. It was an opportunity to make connections with businesses who could support our renovation project in other ways and that adds to the value of the experience. We are delighted."

Mardi Wood, head of fundraising for the Balmacara Community Trust

Mardi Wood, Head of Fundraising of Balmacara Community Trust

Ann Nisbet and Cathy Houston of Ann Nisbet Studio together with art donor Emma Woods of Collective Architecture


Are you an architect or designer and would like to be involved in an event with us?

To find out more about the Old Mill:


Huge thank you to our amazing Sponsors:

TITLE SPONSOR: Solus Ceramics


Collective Architecture (

#DesignPopUp events are made possible with the valuable participation of amazing specification brands, Architects and Designers.


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